Hugo wrote:
> --- In, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Because the generals are no good a video games.  It takes the 
> younger 
>> recruits who they filtered out and found good at games to do such 
> remote 
>> flying.  It also takes specialized people to fly the drones.  Ever 
> try 
>> to fly a toy remote controlled airplane?
> Yep, takes about ten minutes to learn and if you're not
> planning to land...
Well gee, maybe they should have hired you then.  :-D   

> Besides someone must have taught the guys to fly these
> drones, someone in charge perhaps?
No, they would have attended specialized training from people who were 
specialized in that system.  The military has been licking their chops 
at all this kids who have played video games since childhood and what 
expert remote weapons people they make.  Maybe some of them in 10 years 
will be high ranking but not now.  I know about the video game stuff 
because I've worked in that industry for years.
>>> That's the trouble with all the 9/11 conspiracy theories they
>>> are so complex and involve thousands keeping silent and
>>> incredible new technology like explosives that don't make any 
>>> noise and buildings you can demolish without the usual hassle 
>>> of taking down interior walls and tying the opposite corners 
>>> together.
>> Nope, it wouldn't take thousands to pull this off.  The explosives 
> made 
>> noise as fire fighters reported. 
>>> None of them are as convincing as the idea that a bunch of
>>> religious maniacs hi-jacked some planes and flew them into
>>> public buildings all over the US. Simple, effective.
>> "Religious maniacs" who could barely fly a Cessna and spent the 
> prior evening at a strip club?
> Strip club eh? Probably rehearsing for those 72 virgins. Bunch of 
> hypocrites.
> The people on united 93 phoned their friends and family  and 
> told them what was going on so it must have been arabs with 
> *some* flying skill.
You can't call from a cell phone at that altitude in a jet.  Some 
believe that the calls were made from a hanger in Cleveland where Flight 
93 landed due to a "bomb threat."  On one call left on an answering 
machine there is a bankground voice of a woman saying "you did good" as 
the caller was hanging up.
> And an FBI agent reported that there were many middle eastern men
> taking flying lessons in Arizona. Let's face it they didn't need to 
> know how to take off and land so how hard could it be?
There is a huge difference between a Boeing passenger jet and a Cessna.  
It can be quite hard as many airline pilots have pointed out.   Also 
many airline pilots say they themselves could not have made the 
maneuvers that the supposed jet that hit the Pentagon made.  Also folks 
at the Boeing planet in Seattle might find the notion that the wings 
folded up and collapsed into the hole, laughable.  That's not how the 
planes are built.

Sorry, but I don't buy the 19 "arabs" (many who are still alive) armed 
with box cutters conspiracy theory as many who have taken the time to 
look into and read the reports (even just the ones which contain only 
news reports) don't either.

Some people like to adopt the "official version" because if it proves to 
be wrong then they are off the hook.  It takes a braver person to 
espouse that the "official version" is wrong and something else was 
going on.  Why not explore the possibilities?

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