Judy wrote:
> Oh, goodie, another contribution to my compendium
> of inaccurate statements about Joe the Plumber from
> the educated spiritually aware folks on this forum.
> Joe never said he earned $250K; in fact, he said
> what he earned wasn't even close. Turns out he made
> $40K in 2006, according to his divorce papers.
> What he told Obama was that *if* he eventually
> managed to buy the plumbing business he currently
> works for, and *if* that business ends up making
> over $250K *in profits*, so that his *personal*
> taxable income rises above $250K, THEN under
> Obama's tax plan, it looks as though he might pay
> more tax than he would under McCain's.
> (I think that's a fine idea myself, BTW.)
So, you're in favor of a progressive income tax.

"I'm getting ready to buy a company that makes about 
250, 270 - 80 thousand dollars a year, your new tax 
plan is going to tax me more isn't it? I'm getting 
taxed more and more for fulfilling the American 
dream." - Joe

Give me one good reason why I, Joe, or anyone else
should have to give up their hard-earned wages and 
give it to someone else who hasn't earned a dime.

To raise taxes simply to give it to the someone else
is wrong-headed and it's socilaism. I'm not in favor
of redistributing wealth as an artificial means to
improving the economy.

Why would Richard Hughes, who probbably already pays
a large part of his wages, have his taxes increased 
so that he can give it to someone else? Who would 
want to work hard and get ahead if the payroll tax 
is going up? 

Taqxation on earned income is a dumb idea and it's 
a really dumb Obama plan. Progressive taxes are 
argued to create work disincentive.

"What was shocking and more relevant than anything 
else that has been said in the entire campaign is 
what Barack Obama said. He told Joe that it is okay 
to soak those making more than $250,000, even small 
businesses making that, because then you can 
"spread the wealth" around and everyone benefits. 
That is redistribution of wealth -- taking from the 
rich (and from the kinda rich) and giving to the 
not so rich and the poor."

Read more:

'Joe the Plumber on Obama's Plan - Scary and Socialist'
Posted by Lorie Byrd
Wizbang, October 16, 2008

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