> You think there's necessarily a difference
> between the two?
> >  hurled> at me and raunchydog and other women who attempt to
> > > post here,
> > Right on sista, special protective treatment for all 
> > women so they can be equal.
>   "attempt to post here?"  WTF, Raunchy seems to be doing
> > just fine.
> "Attempt to post here" refers to "the other women,"
(snip)  not to mention at Hillary and Sarah Palin
> > > and Cindy McCain and even Jackie Kennedy.
> > (with the possible exception of my calling Guru Dev a hobo) 
> > > 
> > 
> > And your assumption that I need one show one of the many
> > differences in how we approach other people Judy.
> Yes, that's true. I believe in people being
> accountable for what they say and do.
>> > a man hater.
Wow, takes a licken, and keeps on ticking...
The 3 FAces of Eve?
How many people are speaking here(Madonna, Raunchy dog, Judy, Jackie 
Kennedy) and other women who ran away...
And Hillary...
And all those bad guy's who are killers, rapists, pillagers, 
scrapers, bums, turds, blow-hards, feminist haters, c word people, n 
word people, all kinds of toilet treats...
Multiple personality's have regard the human race, especially males, 
as stupid fools...
The Rebelious ONe, has been there since the 'Beginning of Time'...
There are the Devas and the Asuras.
You can serve 'Either ONe'...
But, you do have to make a constant choice, between 
the 'Discrimination between ego and Transcendance.
Naturally it is easy to fall back on easy habits of fear.
Fear of being one with the other.
We would rather identify with other famous people so we feel 
important when our lives have devolved to tearing each other down, on 
what is supposed to be an example of Maharishi's teaching, which may 
have gotten 'watered=down', because of the isolation from 
the 'Original people of the movement...
Maybe Maharishi wasn't really understood by any of us.
Who else could be as one-pointed as he was?
He was really a Philly Phanatic!
Unique and loving man.
The only time, I saw him get mad, or disturbed is when President Bush 
was going to invade Iraq, and he turned out to be correct in his 
And, I identified with the pain of the war, even while living in 
Delaware and Wisconsin at specific times;
March of 2003; and October of 2006.
I felt that I could feel the pain and the chaos which was going down 
at those specific times, in the hellish deserts of Iraq...
where young men and young women, from Wisconsin and Iowa and 
Washington State, would see their last sight, and smell the smell of 
burning flesh.
Thy would be scarred for Life.
How does one heal from such scents?
ONe can?
But we can change the subject to: elitism, plumber joe, celebrity, 
anything to confuse and confound the mass consciousness of the Fox.
But, wait a minute, this is 2008.
We have a Messiah now, I forgot...
It was predicted long ago.
Just enjoy the ride, I say to myself...
All this other 'stuff' is Maya
And the Mayans even had it right.
The end of Time as we know it.
Time, interests rates, food, enough to eat, gas, global warming, 
wars, racial prejudice, class prejudice, the glorification of things 
of the world... and not enough attention on:
{People are afraid of Spirit.
They would rather depend on earthly things...which are disappearing 
right before their eyes, more and more daily...The only way out, is 
to let go, of things that don't apply anymore...
It's not easy to let go of illusions which have guided your life for 
so long...but enlightenment is beyond ego concepts of killing and 
These things are Maya...
Times are changing.
Change is Timeing.

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