This is old school.  An old school criticism.  None of this, "I can't
believe this is the level of discourse on FFL",  or, "I just visited FFL
and see it is the same old vitriol.  Can't you people grow up"   Let the
parties who enjoy this sort of discourse hash it out.  Those who want to
read the comments and participate, are welcome.  Those who don't can
just pass them up.  Fortunately there is a limit to the number of posts,
so that the site doesn't get too clogged up.  A non judgemental

--- In, enlightened_dawn11 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> i find this whole raunchydog/Judy/Barry/etc. raw debate fascinating,
> though not because of the personalities involved or who might be
> right or wrong, or even the subjects flamed about.
> Rather because it ties into a conversation I had with a friend of
> mine last week when we were discussing what happens when someone
> says something that insults us perhaps, that we feel a strong
> visceral reaction to, that by responding in kind we rekindle that
> negative energy, enliven it, make it real, and become as much its
> mother or father as the person who made the original statement to us.
> We were discussing how the person who feels put upon by the other's
> words, when engaging in a payback, becomes embroiled at that level
> of energy, which serves as a great leveler, where all become united
> then at the same miserable level. No chance of any sort of moral
> victory once this energy has been re-engaged over and over. All
> become equal; equally enraged, equally stuck and equally small.
> i mean no disrespect to those engaging in such behavior-- it happens
> to all of us sometimes. Just very interesting how it is the energy
> that binds those engaged, in a very consistent way, far more so than
> any particular subject they happen to be discussing.
> --- In, "raunchydog" raunchydog@
> wrote:
> >
> > A Fish without Gills
> >
> > Vapors on order
> > From Mexican boarder
> > So yell out an "Ouch!"
> > And ready the couch
> > Offending her ear
> > She fainted! Oh dear!
> > A flurry of dirt
> > Determined to hurt
> > Stink bombs a-flying
> > Invectives mean lying
> > A fight in the schoolyard all gather around
> > And witness her race baiting now run aground
> > Into the ditch
> > Fevered the pitch
> > Lobbing the zingers
> > Truly dead ringers
> > Her partner in crime
> > A male name Barry
> > Never a time
> > Was he funny or merry
> > He tries to push buttons
> > Then run for the hills
> > Gasping for breath
> > Like a fish without gills
> > Fear the searing of bright intellect
> > Out of his nest summarily booted
> > Feeling a wreck
> > He ranted and hooted
> > Soft yellow belly easily exposed
> > Sealing his fate with his long lying nose
> > Sly imprecation of satire he drafted
> > A stew and a brew of poison he crafted
> > Consumed by the call of Obamazoid think
> > Be sure to agree
> > If you wish to be free
> > Your neck and last hope
> > Or at the end of a rope
> > Before the hemp snap
> > Of gallows' floor trap
> > Brush him off quick like a fly or a tick
> > Women of courage will never take shit
> >
> >
> > --- In, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In, ruthsimplicity <no_reply@>
> > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Raunchy, quoting Judy:
> > > > >
> > > > > > Do you have a URL for just the illustration, so
> > > > > > folks can compare the two? Would you know how to
> > > > > > put both of them--the photo and the illustration
> > > > > > themselves, not just the URLs--in the same post?
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Ruth and *especially* Barry need to be thoroughly
> > > > > > embarrassed by their attempts to race-bait.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > In fact, it's not even just race-baiting, it's
> > > > > > actual *racism* to look at that Obama illustration
> > > > > > and see it as racist.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Barry looked at it and saw *Stepin Fetchit*. He
> > > > > > even went so far as to post URLs to a bunch of
> > > > > > photos of Stepin Fetchit, which were so obviously
> > > > > > not even *remotely* like the Obama illustration,
> > > > > > it boggles the mind. He is so sick: misogynist,
> > > > > > racist, homophobic, elitist, and solipsistic.
> > > > >
> > > > Oh dear. I knew that I should not have come back. To
> > > > participate in a board where you are called the lowest
> > > > order of human life is silliness and not healthy.
> > >
> > > Probably not as silly and unhealthy as participating
> > > in a board where racism and race-baiting are deemed
> > > perfectly acceptable by the majority...
> > >
> > > > Folks, we need to ignore Judy.
> > >
> > > ...and where one of the racists/race-baiters demands
> > > that the person who identifies her as such be ignored.
> > >
> > > I swear, at times I feel as though I'm playing Hickey
> > > in a very bad production of "The Iceman Cometh."
> > >
> > > > It is not healthy to talk to her. Note that Pete
> > > > does not talk to her.
> > >
> > > Ah! The sainted Dr. Pete does not talk to her! Well,
> > > that's surely the Last Word on whether it's
> > > appropriate to talk to Judy.
> > >
> > > I think it was the conversation where I told him
> > > about Maharishi eating babies that finally became
> > > too much for him.
> > >
> > > Prior to that, however, he seems to have found me,
> > > er, rather exciting:
> > >
> > > "Man, I love that girl! She has spunk! I want to
> > > have tantric sex with her....I love powerful women
> > > and always enjoyed her posts on AMT as she eviscerated
> > > the castrated boys who whined for her to be kind.
> > > A regular Kali. Strings their baby balls around her
> > > neck."
> > >
> > > > Please, don't talk about my post. That will just reinforce
> > > > bad behavior.
> > >
> > > Whose bad behavior would that be, Ruth? That of the
> > > racist/race-baiter who demands that nobody read the
> > > posts of the person who exposes her, or of the person
> > > doing the exposing?
> > >
> > > Barry's been trying to convince people not to read
> > > my posts for many years. Hasn't worked for him,
> > > unfortunately. Maybe Ruth will have better luck.
> > >
> >

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