When someone is honest and admits they have a unqualified fear, and chooses to 
talk about it, and heal it, then that person evolves out of the prejudiced view.
Obviously Barack and his Grandmother have a wonderful and loving relationship.

This is different from politial manipulation.
Political manipulation begins when you begin to use people's fear of 'other' to 
stoke the fires of non-inclusion, and division, which cause people to fear 
despair which is the opposite of hope, and inclusiveness.
Hillary and Bill came into the primary, with the attitude like they already won.
They went ballistic when they found they had a authentic challenger.
It solidified with the support of Ed Rendell of Pennsylvania, the comment 
Barack made in San Franscisco and the appeal to the 'White Working 
Hillary began slugging shots, and suddenly became the 'Coal Miners Daughter', 
as Pat Buchannan characterized her.
The Republicans suddently found a new love in Hillary- Pat Buchannan, Fox news 
and other right-wingers, suddenly found a new love in Hillary...strange, huh?
So, Hillary's campaign started the racism and fear to attempt to portray Barack 
Obama as someone who couldn't be trusted because he hangs out with radicals in 
Chicago, he has a bad middle name, he doesn't have a birth certificate, he's 
elitist, and so on and so forth.
None of this sh*t has worked, because we are not so easliy manipulated now, as 
we have been.
Why? One word: George W.Bush.
Thank you George W. Bush for helping elect Barack Obama as President of the 
United States.


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