It is odd to be away from the TMO/MMY madness for so many years and then to 
hear people prattle on about nonsensical concepts such as the center of a 
country being where you can best influence the country (uh?) and building 50 
campuses, one for each state. Such craziness. Can you imagine that place in 5 
years? Just rusted steel girders, that's all. 

--- On Mon, 3/16/09, yateendrajee <> wrote:

> From: yateendrajee <>
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Maharishi Central University [Re: Irresponsible 
> Advice]
> To:
> Date: Monday, March 16, 2009, 12:02 PM
> Regarding Maharishi Central University, here's a video
> news clip from a television station in Hastings, NE, which
> was produced in May, 2008.
> I have been away from the TM movement for twenty-seven
> years, and this clip revives memories of discomfort over how
> grandiose things were getting when I left.
> Yet my memories of the TM community and attendance at MIU
> include deep, positive feelings of idealism, inner freedom
> and people all around me making personal sacrifices for
> higher, mutual ideals.
> Those ideals are embodied in the architectural computer
> animations and the partially completed buildings of the MCU
> campus in Smith Center, KS.
> Lately I've been musing on how the trajectory of the TM
> Organization, and that of the path I took afterwards, seems
> to parallel the path of Western society as a whole over the
> last 25 years or so. There has been a mood of optimism and
> dynamic progress, followed by a period of "irrational
> exuberance," and now we find that we went a little too
> far and need to bring our optimism (reflected in the value
> of assets) back closer to "concrete reality."
> Unfortunately, the tendency in a contraction is to become
> too pessimistic, so the value of assets plunges below what
> would be rational. I'm afraid the TM movement will be
> facing this contraction, just as wider society will. 
> But does that mean that spirituality is headed for a
> contraction as well? IMO, Absolutely not!
> According to my intuition, history shows that the greatest
> spiritual progress has been made during the hardest times.
> God doesn't need a huge infrastructure to help his souls
> learn what he sent them here to learn.
> In the early seventies, the late historian and social
> commentator Studs Terkel collected audio interviews for his
> book "Hard Times" (selections on webpage below).
> Check out his conversation with Peggy Terry (near the bottom
> of the page). She didn't earn a Ph.D. (barely finished
> the sixth grade) but check out the revolution in her
> understanding as the result of living through the Great
> Depression!
> --- In,
> "guyfawkes91" <guyfawke...@...> wrote:
> > Anyone have any news on the 10,000's of students
> queuing up for Maharishi Central University? Last I heard
> Wynne was telling lies about how wonderful it was all going,
> while the local newspaper was reporting that the girders
> were rusting quite nicely and the weeds were coming along
> just fine but apart from that nothing was happening.
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