It was during the Ford administration that the last swine flu scare occurred.  
I was at MIU and thinking I was doing the right thing trotted myself off to get 
the vaccination.  I think it was at some gym in town.

I was sick for a week.  The standard response from fellow MIUers?  "Well, 
that's what you get for shooting up eggs."

I have never had a flu shot since that horrible experience.

--- In, Bhairitu <noozg...@...> wrote:
> Massachusetts is trying to pass a bill that may result in a $1000 a day 
> fine if you refuse to get the Swine Flu vaccination.  Now we already had 
> a scare of Swine Flu back in the 1970s and some folks came down with 
> terrible side effects including paralysis.  Most folks here are into 
> natural medicine and probably don't want the vaccine.  I've never had a 
> flu shot and also can't remember the last time I've got the flu.  Like 
> most yogis here I notice immediately when a bug is trying to invade and 
> do the usual things to boot it out of my system.  We don't know what is 
> in these vaccines but they may be using things like mercury.  The 
> vaccine is also untested on humans.  Do you really want this junk in 
> your body?  
> Hopefully this pandemic is nothing but nonsense and will never occur nor 
> the mass vaccinations.  But it is estimated that at least half of the US 
> will refuse the vaccination.
> News report on Massachusetts bill:

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