Call Me BrianBy Raj <>  on 01/25/2010 in
Uncategorized <>

Growing up the first born son in a South Asian family, I got used to
being quite the little prince. I wanted the privileges of primogeniture
to carry on forever. When people asked what I wanted to be when I grew
up, I responded with the full spectrum of acceptable answers: Doctor!
Lawyer! Accountant! Dentist! Quantity Surveyor! Secretly, though, I
wanted to be a prince. From what I saw of the British royal family, it
seemed a job that involved a great deal of adulation, cash, and cars,
and not terribly much work.

I mention this because recently a trickle, and then a flood, of email
has come asking me whether I'm Maitreya
<>  – the leader of a movement
that might be able to save the planet from itself. Some swift Googling
and dipping into strange forums 
<> informs me that
Maitreya is a leader foretold in a range of religions. Those who think
that I might be the new prince of peace have been reading things from
Share International
<> .

So what, according to Share International, does Maitreya do? Through a
doctrine of sharing, fraternity, social justice and cooperation, he (and
it does seem to be a he, not a she) brings humanity back from economic
and ecological collapse through new forms of spiritual community.

As it happens, I do think that sharing, fraternity, justice and
cooperation are terrific things. I also think that prioritising the
needs of the poor, hungry and oppressed is a non-negotiable part of a
sustainable future. There are other similarities. The picture of
Maitreya above shows the Buddhist avatar holding a water bottle, and
I'm never far from mine. Apparently, stuttering is the mark of
something esoteric, though I'm not entirely sure what that is.
Finally, just as foretold, I did indeed fly from India to London in 1977
<> , although the plane ride
was a return trip from a holiday with my family.

Unfortunately, from I think that's where the resemblances end. It
frustrates me only a little less than it might disappoint those looking
for Maitreya that, in fact, I'm just an ordinary bloke. I always
wanted to be a Prince of Something. But when opportunity comes knocking,
it turns out it's to get me to sign for a package for some other

It's sad, too, that the thinking I advocate is pretty
straightforward. One doesn't need a messiah to show how capitalism
has damaged our relationships, society, ecology, body politic and
future. We have to reclaim it through grassroots organizing against
capital, a commitment to human rights, gender equality, redistribution,
and shared democratic control of the world's resources. It's
like the end of The Meaning of Life
<>  (skip to
4:17) in which, finally, the meaning of life is revealed to be

try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now
and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and
harmony with people of all creeds and nations.

But that's not the Monty Python scene that most immediately comes to
mind. Instead, it's this rather good bit from The Life of Brian, one
that Python (Monty) productions granted me leave to quote from in my
last book, Stuffed and Starved, and which I still think contains all one
needs to know about how we need to create social change together.

Sadly, I'm not the Messiah. I'm just a very naughty boy.

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