On Jul 27, 2010, at 9:45 AM, Rick Archer wrote:

>> If that's the case, then Judith's book may well end
>> up being what tips the balance and saves the TMO.
> My thoughts exactly.

Rick, one wonders what you might be thinking there is 
left to "save."  What's left?  They can't, even with 
artificially boosting the #s via the pundits, get more
than a few TMers into the  Domes.  They combine
classes at the MSAE and try to siphon off students
from the public HS their last year in order to artificially
boost their "graduation" numbers.  The whole
idea of teaching TM, with the "recertification"
nonsense, has become a sad joke.

BTW, I'm not necessarily disagreeing, I'm just wondering.
As far as I can see, the whole idea of the TMO rising,
phoenix-like from the ashes of all the mismanagement,
fear-mongering and dishonesty that has dogged it for
decades, would be near-impossible. That is why I find
it fascinating that you still see some life in the old
carcasse, so to speak.


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