On Jan 10, 2011, at 10:20 AM, sparaig wrote:

As a friend of mine puts it, you meditate for days/weeks/months/ years and suddenly realize you've been doing it "all wrong." Then you meditate for days/weeks/months/years and suddenly realize you've been doing it "all wrong."

The process of TM isn't something that can be described. You're hung up on gross descriptions of various possible scenarios and assume they arise from different pedagogy.

It's really just Indian meditational metaphysics 101, which is lost when we become more interested in marketing catch-phrases than in empowering our students with knowledge and wisdom. Consequently there's a huge gap between such foundational understanding and mere pedagogy.

A moot point anyway, TM is most likely a dying meditation form and it's successor, Sahaj Meditation, seems more geared for reestablishing authenticity.

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