thanks a lot for that excellent post. Well done!

I would also add curcumin (Meriva brand - phytosome; articles online), flax 
hull lignans (active ingredient SDG), astaxanthin, and IP6, as well as MCP 
(modified citrus pectin). For those with $, take Longvida curcumin as well as 
the Meriva curcumin.

--- In, Tom Pall <thomas.pall@...> wrote:
> Since someone brought up the issue of colon cancer screening, I guess it's
> safe to talk about another worry, prostate cancer.
> I am definitely for early PSA screening.   The proponents are against it
> because cancer is such a mess and though 18 y/o males when autopsied for
> other reasons show the early stages of prostate cancer, most men will
> succumb to other causes before prostate cancer gets them.  Indeed, being
> biopsied for prostate cancer after getting a high PSA reading can
> conceivably spread the cancer which was best left alone.
> There appears to be a way to keep prostate cancer at bay if not kill it off
> completely.   Having tried all sorts of natural remedies like 100 grams of
> Vitamin C infusions 3 times a week and even taking a very dangerous compound
> banned in the US, I'm happy to say that perhaps there is support of Nature
> and maybe jyotish and yagyas work.  It was on the day of the lunar eclipse a
> few months ago during a slew of yagyas I was sponsoring that I got a phone
> call quite out of the blue from someone who claimed they knew me from a
> prostate cancer forum I participated in a few years ago.   He knew I had an
> adventurous bent and was an independent thinker and tinkerer so he told me
> of the six supplement prostate cancer "cure".   Well, I ordered up the
> supplements and low and behold.   PSA's dropping like a rock.   Pain,
> discomfort are almost gone, need to get up in the middle of the night mostly
> gone, flow rate increasingly daily.
> I was hesitant to mention the six supplement "cure" because we have an idiot
> on this forum who believes he's God's Gift to Ayurveda, as he's "certified"
> in "metabolic profiling".   This idiot sent me a list of things to take for
> prostate cancer and regrettably one or two on the list make up the SSC.   I
> cringe whenever he posts about this tar from the Andes or some other wonder
> snake oil.   He's a menace and one of the very good arguments for the FDA
> exercising much stricter control over the many $Billions supplements scam.
> I don't know why the SSC works except that each of the supplements is itself
> under investigation for battling prostate cancer, but under laboratory
> conditions with concentrations one can't get into one's body, let alone to a
> place which pretty much filters the blood supply, thereby isolating itself
> from many supplements and cancer drugs.   Perhaps the guy who discovered the
> SSC, a guy I know only as Kurt Vogler in North Carolina figured out the
> synergy of the SSC, as some of the supplements aren't even absorbed well
> enough into the blood stream to be noticed.
> Whatever, here is the SSC.   I suggest that considering the very messy
> alternatives, a guy give the SSC a couple months trial.
> 1) Pomegranate extract 1000mg from POM Wonderful
> 2) Aged garlic extract 1000mg from Kyolic
> 3) Green Tea Extract 500mg from Puritans Pride
> 4) Broccoli Sprout Extract 1000mg from NSI (nutraceutical sciences
> institute)
> 5) High Potency Quercetin 650mg from Swanson
> 6) Soy Isoflavones 150mg from Now
> NSI is now marketed by Vitacost but it's got the same SKU as before.   Don't
> just take one capsule of each supplement as these dosages stated on the list
> are also stated on the ingredients labels except it's sometimes the dosage
> contained in 2 capsules.
> Hello.  My name is Tom and I am a survivor of moderately aggressive prostate
> cancer.

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