In a message dated 9/1/05 3:48:51 P.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I'm 62. I
remember the riots in Watts, I remember the earthquake in San
Francisco, I remember a lot of things. I have never, ever, seen
anything as bungled and as poorly handled as this situation in New
Orleans. Where the hell is the water for these people? Why can't
sandwiches be dropped to those people in the Superdome. What is going
on? This is Thursday! This storm happened 5 days ago. This is a
disgrace. And don't think the world isn't watching. This is the
government that the taxpayers are paying for, and it's fallen right
flat on its face as far as I can see, in the way it's handled this

What Jack fails to appreciate is that yes the storm was on Sunday and on Monday everybody was saying that New Orleans had missed the Big One. Tuesday the levees broke and created a second disaster worse than the hurricane it's self cutting off access and communications with the city. People in the city have no means of communication and  don't know where to go to get help.New plans needed to be created to get the help into the city. Lawlessness and shooting at rescue works has also been an impediment. Failure of the governor to declare martial law has slowed events down. Finally, today, the Governor has declared martial law and ordered MP's and police to Lock n Load and shoot on site anybody looting, rioting or interfering with rescue. Had the levees not given in , the city would probably be getting electricity restored by now.

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