--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley" <j_alexander_stanley@...> 
> Speaking as another person with experience in Waking Down, 
> I found Share's excuse/explanation about rigorousness being 
> hypermasculine very strange. 

So did I. It sounded like something women accuse
something of being when they want to put down men. :-)

> Saniel Bonder likes to slather WD with saccharine bullshit 
> frosting, but as another WD teacher described it, in WD you 
> wake up to your mugshot. It's not about techiquifying 
> yourself into some future perfected enlightened being; 
> it's about waking up to exactly who you are right now. 
> From my own experience, I don't see how self-honesty could 
> be any more rigorous than WD's brutal, uncontrolled free-
> fall into what is.

Nicely said. Love the mugshot quote. :-)

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