Peyton Manning Infers Pizza Business Is 'Good' in Colorado Due to Legalization
By Dan  Carson , Trending Lead Writer Sep 18, 2014
Jack Dempsey/Associated Press 

In a recent sit-down with Sports Illustrated's Peter King, Peyton Manning more 
or less admitted that Colorado’s decision to legalize marijuana has been a huge 
boon for his pizza stores. 
Weeks before the state passed a legalization amendment in 2012, the Broncos 
quarterback began snapping up Papa John’s franchises in the Denver 
area. The move prompted even the most casual observer to deduce that 
Peyton, a wily old fox, had bought the stores to capitalize on the 
impending munchies boom that would sweep the state.
And those observers would appear to be right, if we read between the lines 
Manning is dishing out. 
Answering a question concerning whether he votes for public officials (he 
does), Manning told King that he likes to educate himself on the 
people and issues of the day—namely, he like to stay informed on local 
politicians and the potentially profitable laws they pass.
You try to know who you’re voting for…I’ve gotten to know some of the folks 
here in Colorado. There’s some different laws out here in 
Colorado. Pizza business is pretty good out here, believe it or not, due to 
some recent law changes. So when you come to a different place, 
you’ve kind of got to learn everything that comes with it.
So, is Manning pro-‘Dro? Certainly he’d never personally conspire 
with the devil’s cabbage, but judging by the soaring sales his stores 
have experienced, he’s probably not against it. 
After all, as TMZ noted in 2013, the 21 Papa John’s stores owned by Manning 
raked in record sales in the post-legalization period, registering a 25 percent 
profit increase at one location.
So while we all half-joked about Manning purposefully buying 21 pizza 
restaurants in a legalization hotbed, well, it appears Manning was doing just 
that. Occam’s razor wins again.
Peyton’s purchase was what we thought it was, and now he’s reaping the profits 
of sticky seeds sown. 

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