Am Dienstag, den 19.08.2008, 12:16 -0430 schrieb Patrick O'Callaghan:
> On Tue, 2008-08-19 at 16:31 +0000, Beartooth wrote:
> > When I clidk on the add/remove software launcher in the panel, I 
> > get a window way bigger than my screen -- so big that even moving it 
> > around enough to click where I need takes fancy tricks. Trying to 
> > unmaximize  is no help. 


> This may be fixable through your desktop configuration controls, but you
> don't say which dekstop you're using.

Same problem here. Gnome, default install F9 from liveCD. Some windows
also opens out of the screen viewport, sometimes they can be moved by
grabbing'em with the mouse while pressing the ALT key. Others seems to
open far from the screen and cannot be moved. Evrything else, including
compiz runs fine.

Any ideas?
Rodolfo Alcazar - [EMAIL PROTECTED] / #367962
"Ich habe versucht, ohne Sex und Alkohol zu leben. Es war die schlimmste
Viertelstunde meines Lebens."
- Unbekannter Autor

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