On Tuesday 04 August 2009 18:30:36 Stuart McGraw wrote:
> I just installed Fedora 11 on my new pc.  Shortly
> thereafter I was presented with a pop-up box that
> said 28 security updates were available.  I (foolishly
> as it turned out) clicked the update button.  My
> internet connection is a modem and the machine
> has been downloading for about 20 hours now.
> Clicking on the little updater icon in the Gnome
> panel does not offer any information or control.
> So... how do I find out:
> * What it is downloading?
> * What is the total size of the downloads?
> * How much is done, how much remains?
> * How to pause it so I can get my email?
> * How do I turn off auto-updates permanently?
>   (In System->Prefs->Software Updates I had set
>   "Check for updates" and "Check for major updates"
>   to "Never" but it still seems to be checking.

There seems to be a major flaw in your titling - they did not auto-update.  As 
you remarked, you hit the button that told them to go ahead.  Another button 
allows you to review what is going to be downloaded and you can escape at that 
time.  Please read what is on your screen.

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