I installed F12,
it works well.
I have no such crash any more.
(F10, F11 do crash with Firefox+flash)

in 'about:plugins' of Firefox,
about Shockwave flash,
it shows:
'File name: nswrapper_32_32.libflashplayer.so'.

Firefox: firefox-3.5.5-1.fc12.i686,
Flash :  flash-plugin- adobe yum package).

On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 1:59 AM, Andreas M. Kirchwitz <a...@spamfence.net>wrote:

>        Hi folks!
> Just freshly installed my old Fedora 10 system with Fedora 12 (32 bit),
> and I was suprised to see that Firefox 3.5.5 (directly from mozilla.org)
> crashes on any site with flash (Flash plugin from adobe.com).
> Both are the most recent versions. No other custom plugins installed
> in Firefox.
> Installing the Flash plugin 10.1 prerelease 1 (2009-11-17) no longer
> crashes Firefox but doesn't do anything useful neither (empty box).
> I'm using GNOME/fvwm2 (no compiz or other 3D stuff). Graphics card
> is nVidia GeForce FX 5200 (NV34). For some reason, the X server seems
> to use the old "nv" driver by default. With "system-config-display",
> I can force it to "nouveau", but that makes no difference.
> Besides that, all graphics (desktop) is extremly slow. For example,
> scrolling a page up/down in Firefox, or the "bell" (reverse video)
> in xterm. Sometimes I can see the pixels getting drawn. :-(
> What happened here? CPU is an Intel P4 (2,8 GHz), and that machine
> worked like a charme with Fedora 10. Now, it's basically unusable.
> By searching this mailing list and Bugzilla, I couldn't find issues
> about general slowness in X. Though, crashes of flash are quite usual
> (not only on F12 ;-), but most are related to conflicting plugins or
> leftovers from previous upgrades (eg, libflashsupport).
> Could all that be related to some feature or a bug in the new
> X.Org X Server 1.7.1? Are there any known compatibility tricks?
> Any hints are welcome.
> Maybe such things already happened with Fedora 11, and there's
> a large database of workarounds. ;-) But because I skipped F11,
> I don't know of any such things. So please accept my excuse if
> my problems are well-known and fixes exist.
>        Greetings, Andreas
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