On Wed, 2008-11-12 at 18:12 +0200, مؤيد السعدي wrote:
> > Would you be interested in using Glade for the GTK+ interface? I'd be
> > willing to help create a glade file and I can provide some sample code
> > that
> > will make accessing the widgets very easy (self.ui.widgetname), as well
> as
> > enabling i18n for the entire program.
> > 
> no thanks, I hate glade
> using code like this
>     for i,j,k in [('mactel',"Intel Macs",0),('xo',"XO",0),
> ('xo-no-home',"No XO Home",0)]:
>       self.opt[i]=gtk.CheckButton(j)
>       self.opt[i].set_active(k)
>       hb.pack_start(self.opt[i], False,False,0)
> makes adding new options much simpler for me,
> glade is aimed to make it easy, and for my case direct coding is much
> easier

While things like this may be easy in the short-term (I know -- been
there, done that), in the longer term it is far more maintainable to
build your UI using glade.  It will help to make things conform more
easily to the HIG and also add things over the future without requiring
major changes to the flow of the program.


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