Lucy has mostly, I think, not had bad fevers since starting on 10 mg/day of  
pred plus clindamycin Saturday before last.  Occasionally she has felt  warm, 
though, like she does now, and I think has a low grade fever.  When  at the 
vet on Sat she felt warm like this and her temp was 104.1.  She felt  cool when 
she got home so we chalked it up to stress. But she is warm again now,  and 
has been periodically.
What I did when her fevers were high, and up until today even when she just  
felt warm like she does now, is give her fluids and if needed put ice packs  
against her.  However, I decided today, while at the vet's, to try not  giving 
her fluids generally, as I had been giving her about 100 cc's every day  sub-q 
just as supportive care. The reason I decided to try stopping is that Gray  
really felt that her belly was partially expanding so quickly with fluid 
because  the sub-q's were ending up there.  I told him this was not possible 
 low protein count, which to my knowledge she does not have (proteins were 
normal  when blood taken on 1/17).  But I asked the vet, and he said he thinks 
it's  possible that some of it has been ending up in her belly.  He said that 
if  she is eating so much baby food-- 2-4 jars per day, usually at least 2.5 or 
3--  and drinking she should be fine without fluids. I said she is not 
drinking, but  then again I have been giving her fluids daily. I asked if 
water to the  baby food would be sufficient, and he said he thought it should 
She hates  getting fluids, so I also thought it would minimize stress.
But now she feels warm. By now I normally would have given her fluids,  which 
perhaps kept her from getting warm, I don't know.  She is eating  while this 
warm-- just ate probably 1/4 jar baby food.  She hates the ice  packs too. Do 
you think it is ok at this point, if she is eating and looking  fairly alert, 
just not to do anything about the fever and see if it goes down on  its own? 
She seems happier when not feverish-- purrs, etc., and does not when  
feverish-- but I would like to see if not giving them helps her belly refill  
Please let me know your thoughts. By the way, I think she was eating one  
night when her fever was 105.8, so I can't swear that it is actually low-grade  
by the way she is acting.

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