I am sorry you are both going through this right now..
 When Smokey had this disease, I cried a lot.  I
talked to him all the time so he would know how much i
loved him, and how special he was.  I think they know.
 Just as they sense stress, they sense love.

You will know through the guidance of friends and vets
which course to take.

Bless you and give Wallace a head kiss for me.

Dede ( His picture is adorable!)

he is. They have his picture (with Boo and
> William) in the waiting room, too.  (If you'd like
> to
> see it, it's here: 
> http://www.ratemykitten.com/pictures/392/000131996/ 
> )
> We won't know what the cancer is until the cytology
> report comes in, Saturday or Tuesday. BEST case at
> this point is lymphoma. Right now, both vets (my vet
> and the sonography specialist vet) think that he has
> adenocarcinoma in his small intestine, invading into
> the mesentery. His stomach wall and other sections
> of
> the small bowel are also thickening.
> This is *bad*. Of the two types of tumor, this *is*
> the operable one, but it's big -- 5cm -- and it's
> invaded beyond the small intestine. There's a
> partial
> blockage of the intestine's lumen, too, which is
> causing real concern and is probably why he stopped
> eating.
> I'm going to go snuggle my kitty and cry now.
> Thanks so much to everybody, esp. those who gave me
> the lymphoma information. Looks like it might be a
> moot point now -- adenocarcinoma is *bad*. Feels
> weird
> to be praying that it might be lymphoma -- as I
> said,
> the cytology report won't be in for a few days.
> Advice on enticing a sick kitty to eat is
> appreciated,
> but as he doesn't have FeLeuk/FIV, he's off topic.
> Thank you, though -- everybody here is so generous
> of
> spirit, and helpful. 
> -Jean
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of your God"
                   Mosiah 2:17

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