--- Christopher BJ Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> At 10:27 PM -0700 7/16/02, Tammy Grimes wrote:
> >Normally I use a lower case "B" to indicate flats
> in a
> >chord symbol, for example DbMaj7 or Cm7b5 chords.
> >
> >However, I have noticed a peculiarity when working
> >with the jazz font. When trying to enter a new
> chord
> >suffix, it wants to use the lower case B instead of
> >the flat symbol. So when storing the new suffix,
> the
> >suffix is incorrect. I would like to redefine some
> of
> >the chords without the parentheses, and have the
> >proper flat symbol there. No problem with the #
> >symbol.
> >
> >Also, how would I use a triangle symbol for MAJOR
> in
> >the new suffixes?
> >
> >I am using the "plain text" option, so
> >let's see if this comes out more readable.
> >
> >Thanks; Tammy
> In Default Fonts, make sure the chord suffix font is
> set to JazzCord, 
> not JazzText. The sharp symbol is under Shift-3,
> which LOOKS like a 
> sharp in JazzText, but isn't really - it's a number
> sign. It will 
> look better in JazzCord. This incorrect setting was
> a common problem 
> with certain Jazz Default files sent out by Coda.
> You will also find triangles in the JazzCord font.
> The JazzFont 
> default file should have them included in the
> library; as creating 
> them ALL from scratch is a big job.

The sharp symbol is not an issue, the FLAT symbol is.
I tried using the "Jazzcord" font, but still have the
same problem, namely it uses a small letter "B"
instead of something that looks like a flat.
Interestingly enough, when I surround the suffix with
() the flat symbol looks OK. However, that causes the
chord to take up much more space than I would like.
I.E. Dm7b5 is preferable to Dm7(b5).

More of a nuisance than anything else, but my clients
will use that as an excuse to not pay me - - - 

Yours; Tammy

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