On Mar 3, 2005, at 7:10 PM, David W. Fenton wrote:

Removing blank staves returns a lot more usable space than vertically
adjusting spacing within a staff.

Taking up space is not the only criterion. An attractively spaced page is more optimal than one in which every system is cramped.

To offer a real life example, suppose I've got a piano-vocal piece which normally fits four systems on a page. If there's a system where the voice part is blank, I can either remove the staff or not. If removing it lets me fit five systems, or if the piano part is so thick that even four systems make for a cramped page, then I'll welcome the opportunity to remove the system and improve the page. If, on the other hand, I can only fit four systems in any case but the page is otherwise fairly loose, then it looks stupid to take out the blank voice staff just to have even more white space between the systems. In that case I'd rather leave it in place.

My point is that removing a blank system is not necessarily always the optimal thing to do.

Tell me: what are the defaults?

Defaults are "Remove Empty Staves", "Keep At Least One Staff", and "Whole Document". Note that removing empty staves is an option which can be turned off. Making staves independently adjustable happens regardless of what options you choose.


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