Le 05-05-25 à 15:40, Paul Hayden a écrit :

Other possible problems with EPS export on a Mac:

1. I'm still using FinMac 2004c (under OS X 10.3.5), but I've read that FinMac 2005 also gives you that font warning on _every_ single page you try to export as an EPS file. I'm so frustrated with this that I'm booting in OS 9 and using FinMac 2002 to do EPS exporting.

I also still can't believe that such a little issue (isn't it so hard to add a checkbox for it not to show again?) hasn't been adressed in 2K5b. This is the ONLY reason for me not to upgrade to 2k5. This is such a key fonction in my work because I relink eps all day long.

2. Maybe it's my ancient 'puter (PowerMac G4, 500 MHz), but EPS export is very, very slow using FinMac 2004c. It's fast, however, with FinMac 2002 under OS 9.2.2.

It is not that your computer is old (well in fact it is!), but even with a recent mac (I have a G5 Dual 1.8, with 1 GB of Ram) this is certainly 5 times longer than with 2k3 in Classic. I don't get the whole thing, because eps is a page description language that hasn't change; they have to output the same thing as before, or maybe I don't understand the issue in total.

Not directly related to EPS export, but FinMac 2002 under OS 9 is quite zippy, while FinMac 2004c under OS X is rather sluggish. Nothing that a few thousand dollars can't fix.

I doubt that a few thousand dollars will fix this problem, maybe just be a bit (very small) better.

Éric Dussault
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