Kim Richmond wrote:
Perhaps this has been covered before, but now that I finally have MacFin2007c up and running, I'll ask. Is there a way to have bar numbers different in the score from the linked parts? *I want my bar numbers to appear on the parts to be every bar in small case below the bar. *I want my bar numbers to appear on the score in large case above the top part in a rectangle box.

Is there any way to do that?
All the best,

Yes it's possible, but No, it's not easy.

It's not too bad if you have a single measure number region, which Finale 2007 makes possible thanks to it's new Measure Attribute checkbox labeled "include in measure numbers."

You define two different regions. One you set to be how you want it (position, size, enclosure, etc.) for the score and the other you set to be how you want it for the parts. Depending on the view you're working in (score or one of the parts) you set that measure number region to display however you want it to starting with measure 1. You define the other region (which will be used for the other view) to display however you want it to starting with measure 500 (or some number larger than your work is, so it never displays).

When you switch views, you have to then redefine the measure number regions so that the appropriate view will show starting with measure number 1 and the unused region to start showing with measure number 500 (or the large number you need so it won't appear at all.)

Heaven help you, though, if you have more than one region. You would need to go through all that with two different regions for every single region in the actual music.

Definitely something to petition Finale about (many of us have, but update patch c has come and gone with no change on this feature.)

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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