At 04:32 PM 3/1/2007 -0500, A-NO-NE Music wrote:
>Dennis Bathory-Kitsz / 2007/03/01 / 02:38 PM wrote:
>>It happens if I try to do a mass edit command -- the command moves slowly
>>(about 2-3 minutes per measure) as it spews out connects to the other
>>computer. A netstat command showed hundreds of sequential connections being
>>attempted, over 55,000 in total.
>Sounds like your temp file is accidentally stored on your network
>drive.  I don't know where the Windows version stores this info.  On
>Mac, it probably stored on the pref file.  On Windows, it might be in
>the registry.  I am just shooting in a dark, tho.

Good thought, Hiro, but no temp files on the network. Even the printer
files are stored locally until the actual remote print cycle begins. The
main files were on a drive on another computer (it's a fast network), but I
created a new file on a fresh boot on the local machine. Until I specified
a local (even though nonexistent) printer, it kept stalling itself with
hundreds of network attempts per minute (netstat was showing it to be the
particular machine with the printers, and netstat on *that* machine showed

Only Finale 2K6, only one machine.

I'll have another go at it when the deadline is over. :)


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