At 10:58 AM 5/19/2007 -0700, Michael Good wrote:
>Doesn't Graphics -> Check All Graphics... do what you need? It lists
>all the graphics in the file and lets you embed or link on a
>graphic-by-graphic basis. So you can embed a linked graphic or link an
>embedded graphic - it exports the embedded graphic to a file of your

There is nothing on the list. I tried this with a blank file. If the
graphic is embedded and later deleted, it still is in the file somewhere --
in other words, if I embed a 4MB photograph, the file grows by 4MB as
expected. But deleting the graphic doesn't seem to get rid of it -- even
when I *really* meant to link to the file, and go back to make the change.

In other words, if I go through the score and delete the embedded images
that I forgot to link, they don't go away. If I delete *all* graphics,
they're not in the "Check All Graphics" list. That's now empty -- but the
graphics are still in the file, even after saving, after Data Check (Data
Check doesn't have those elements on the list anyway), and after leaving
Finale and reopening the file. The file is still big (in this case, nearly
90MB), and has no graphics available.

Do you see this?

If we could still save to ETF, I could just grab the graphics block and
delete it. But it's all binary now. :(

And I'm also not able to compile a Postscript listing with the graphics
included. Mac users don't have to do this, but to get a nice-looking PDF
(on screen), the compile feature does it, but the print feature doesn't
give a nice display (and I've tried it with Distiller, PDF995, docPrint
Pro, etc.).

At 09:58 AM 5/19/2007 -0700, Carl Dershem wrote:
>And I also have no use for graphics, and am a bit curious as to what you 
>use them for.

Many of my scores have photographs embedded as part of the performer
guidelines. In my 25 Landscape Preludes for piano, the pianist interprets
the dynamics by means of a graph derived from the photograph, and the photo
is also on the page.

In scores with electronics, the graphical score is also part of the entire
score. In two pieces for MalletKat and playback, the entire sequencer score
is shown in parallel with the dot-music score.

In a recent set (the one giving me so much trouble), it is a commission for
12 performance pieces for tenor guitar.


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