At 07:37 AM 5/20/2007 -0400, dhbailey wrote:
>Filenaming convenience is certainly one aspects of Mac which would be 
>nice to copy to Windows, but in the case of such folder naming 
>situations as Mark raises here, since I'm the only one reading them I 
>get by quite nicely without the question marks.  I know what I meant 
>when I created them.  If I need to bring special attention to them, I'll 
>put AAAA at the start so they alway sort at the top.

To get attention at the top, I use names like:
   _this one
   !_this one
It puts it ahead of the alphabet and numbers.

The old Eudora email program (which I still use) kept an index of mailbox
names, which you could call anything useful, including slashes. The actual
filename was the 8.3 format; it was behind the scenes, but you could always
open the index file if you really needed to find and directly edit the
mailbox file.


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