On Jun 20, 2007, at 8:29 AM, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:
 beaming over barlines (why
shouldn't the Speedy "/" just toggle that natively?)

Say, that's pretty smart!

Part of the problem with "wish lists" of features is how to implement them, because implementation IS the feature.

(Kind of how I talk to my students about composition and arranging; they ask, "Can I do (fill in the blank)?" and I invariably answer, "Absolutely. It depends HOW you do it." A mediocre idea well- implemented will always beat out a great idea badly implemented.)

As you have mentioned so often, the UI is so much of the program that a LOT of time and planning have to be spent to make it usable. Your idea about the beaming over barlines is an excellent example of something that would be SO simple in UI, rather than the plugin we presently have to use (or heaven forbid, manually! Thanks Robert Patterson!)


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