Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:

Anyway, that circular Stockhausen was done by his team more than 45 years

That someone could engrave such a score by hand 45 years ago by no means proves that the vast majority of human engravers at the time would have been able to do that. It just means that one person could. And was it engraved or was it lithographed?

The fact that you've made a somewhat easy to read (are those notes which are between the staves but have no ledger lines supposed to go with the outer staff or the inner staff? And without the ledger lines but so far from the top or bottom staff line, what pitches do they actually represent?) graphical representation of your spiral score shows that it's possible to do just what you want to do. Just not with Finale.

Sort of like complaining that you have to use Pagemaker to do a great job with book layout when you wish you could do it in Word.

So the problem is . . .? That you want to be able to do it in Finale? That's fine if they can do it without destroying what the other 99% of Finale users need/want. I have no problem with them adding that capability. I'll even submit a feature request for it.

But I still don't see how the lack of spiral score capability refutes my claim that Finale's notation isn't mature.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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