Forgive me if this has been already discussed.  This graphic issue seems
to have so much history and I am getting confused.  This is FinMac2k8 on
G5 Dual2.5.

I haven't done much of graphical notation since I quit copying for
others long time ago, but did a lot of them back in v2.6 - v3.7 days. 
Last night, I just had to redo one of my old client's work, only to find
it doesn't work as it used to.

- The Shape Designer GUI is so buggy.  Zoom sometime works sometime
doesn't.  Click n drag handles sometime works sometime doesn't.  Once my
current position was sent to Y:-900+/X:-109,800+(!!) throwing the object
I was drawing unreachable.  At that point, there was no way to go back
to the null position but to cancel out.  What a frustrating tool it became.

- The Group option doesn't keep them together when Horizontally resize. 
I don't remember this behavior.

- When I have a few text objects in a shape, their positioning is a huge
mess.  What I create doesn't align on Scroll/Page Views when I get out
from the Score Expression.  PITA.

So, I decided to create eps file in Illustrator CS3.  I imported with
Graphic Tool.  The alignment is a joke.  I placed it to a measure in
Scroll View.  When I go to Page View, it is placed to few stuffs above,
while handle is still on the measure.  If I click on the handle, the
image shrinks(?!).

I them placed the eps file within the Shape Designer.  Finally I got the
result I need.  It prints file on my PostScript printer, but the Maestro
font stuff lines (I had to use this since Fin2k8 doesn't honor eps
transparency) became dotted line if I print to PDF, which is the
delivery format.

I don't remember if it was Christopher or someone else but I remember
there are a few Finale Graphic experts around.  Any help would be appreciated.


- Hiro

Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Boston, MA
<> <>

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