Dick Hauser / 07.9.23 / 2:46 AM wrote:

>Actually, this is something that the MM tech had me try and no  
>change.  Sorry I didn't include that in one of the original posts.

OK, but as I said, if you chose Built-in in AMS, the Finale crash log
_must_ look different, because Finale no longer tries to load PCI424. 
Please try again and send me the crash log.  Send me as text instead of
MS rtf.  It is pretty difficult to read since MS throws so much garbage. 

If it still crashes at PCI then Finale still remembers false AMS API and
it is stuck in corrupted pref.


- Hiro

Hiroaki Honshuku, A-NO-NE Music, Boston, MA
<http://a-no-ne.com> <http://anonemusic.com>

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