Doug Walter wrote:
I thought I'd bring up something that I haven't seen mentioned (it may have come up before and I didn't notice) in hopes of saving others some time and potential frustration.

In working on a score in 2008, I found myself using Command-F to flip tuplets from above to below or vice versa, but in doing so, I noticed that their color changed, indicating that they had become unlinked. Sure enough, on examining the part involved, they were also orange, but still in their original (unflipped) position. I called tech support, thinking that this was a bug and that nothing should become unlinked by virtue of moving it in the score. He confirmed he had seen this and suggested that I control-click on the handle of the tuplet(s) involved and use the contextual menu to relink it, which worked.

I had found that this could also be accomplished by going to Utilities > Change > Tuplets and making the adjustment there instead of using Command-F, and they would flip without becoming unlinked, but it was more mouse clicks than I'd prefer to have to make.

What I've just discovered now is that my mistake was in using the OLD keyboard equivalent of Command-F instead of the NEW one which involves simply hitting the letter F with the tuplet handle selected. That will flip it without unlinking it.

I had been doing the same thing with slurs, with the same unwanted result, until I found that hitting ONLY the letter F works for them as well. The even better news here is that it can be done immediately after creating the slur, since it's still selected at that point.

Forgive me if this is old news for some, but it's another case of a command having been changed that slipped completely under this long-time user's radar. Hope it helps someone avoid a similar waste of time.

Thank you for sharing this with us -- I'm surprised that the tech support person who was helping you didn't know this (actually, I'm not surprised by that fact at all, unfortunately).

This is not old news for me, I can assure you, and I very much appreciate you sharing it with us.

Have you experimented with using just the letter F to flip triplets in the parts? Do they remain linked, and thus flipped, in the score when they're edited in the parts this way? It's great to have two ways to accomplish this, one to maintain the link and one to break the link, and it will be great if that works backwards from part to score as well as forward from score to part.

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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