This has happened to me before in previous versions, so it is not specific to Finale 2009 (I am on Mac.)

I have an Engraver document in which I need to import my JazzFont chord suffixes. (Yes, I had to change my chord defaults, too.) When I do this, most of my suffixes with parentheses have the parentheses in Maestro 28 instead of Jazz 28. This might not seem to be a big deal, but the Maestro parentheses seem to have a much lower baseline than the Jazz ones do, so all my suffixes with parentheses will need to be redone. This seems a little harsh, especially since I have several scores to do this with.

Is there some setting I am missing which will allow me to import my JazzCord suffixes properly?

Thanks in advance.

(BTW, you can see the same problem by opening any engraved default file or template and then loading a jazz chord library. The same problem occurs in reverse when you load say, the Arial chord library supplied in the Libraries folder into a Jazz document. All the parentheses are too high in that case, and in the wrong font.)


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