Richard Yates wrote:
I completely agree, and suggest to anyone who is annoyed by this to open a case with MakeMusic so they get the point.

I complained many times about this to MakeMusic. I see no evidence any
longer that they respond at all to such feedback.  One interesting
historical note is that it this bug was fixed in one version then reappeared

With these bugs which have been squashed but which reappear, I wonder if MakeMusic might not be aware of them but they can't be squashed again so easily and so they let the product ship with them and then sit back and wonder if anybody will notice.

I can think of no other reason, other than that they don't keep a record of previously squashed bugs and re-test each new version to see if the old bugs have reappeared. I can recall several major bugs which were squashed previously, reappeared with a new release, and then were re-squashed on a subsequent a or b update patch after many complaints about them.

Actually, I can think of another reason, one which makes more sense to me now that I've thought of it -- the development team is aware of these rejuvenated bugs which had been squashed, but whichever department controls the "ship it anyway!" command overrides their "but the latest features you made us add has re-awakened these bugs we had previously squashed and we just need a little bit more time to squash them again" requests.

I get the sense from recent history at MakeMusic that the accountants and others who control the decisions of what to include, what to fix and what the timetable will be for the product to 'go gold' and be shipped have complete control and don't really care, hoping that new purchasers will not be bothered by those revived bugs or that the long-time users who had complained are working on projects where the problems won't be noticed. And the developers, who do care about the quality of the products they are responsible for, have very little control over the matter.

David H. Bailey

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