Go to page 1, hit Update Layout (command-U) before printing. Check the layout again if it will reassure you.

Then go to Program Options>Edit (it is there in 2009, maybe it moved from somewhere else in 2007) and make sure Automatic Update Layout is on. It seems to turn itself off from time to time.


On May 17, 2009, at 6:30 PM, Lawrence David Eden wrote:

My latest gripe with FinMac 2K7 concerns moving measures around.

After extracting a tuba part, I have 2 pages. The final page has 3 measures only, so I would like to move these measures to page 1. Here is what I tried:

MassMover: select the measures to be moved and hit the UP arrow. The measures move on the screen, but when I print the part, I have two pages with the second page showing 3 measures. Apparently, the measures did not stay where I put them, and don't know why. 2K4c was better behaved, IMHO.

I am reminded of the way that Nightingale used to behave....(and it is an unpleasant memory.) It seems, once again, that 2K7 requires extra steps to accomplish what earlier versions of Finale did with one step.

I plan on returning to 2K4c ASAP, but in the meantime, I must fix this tuba part before abandoning 2K7.

I am relying on The List to help me get this seemingly simple task handled.

Please advise as to how to move those last 3 measures from Page 1 to Page 2 and get it printed before Finale hoses me again. :-)


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