Hi Tobias (and Finale list -- I've CC'd them too),

Today I was teaching a lesson to a Finale student, trying to encourage him to purchase TGTools by demonstrating the utility of the Align-Move hotkeys, but for some reason they would not work on his machine (a recent-model MacBook Pro). I realized that his keyboard lacked the "NumLock" option historically found on Mac Portables -- so there is no way of accessing the "Numpad *", "Numpad +" and "Numpad -" required for TGTools shortcuts.

Please add alternative keystrokes for these shortcuts ASAP! It's frustrating that Apple has eliminated this option on their portable computers, but now that they have, we desperately need new TGTools shortcuts that don't depend on being able to simulate Numpad keystrokes on a laptop keyboard.


- Darcy
Brooklyn, NY

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