Aaron Sherber wrote:
Hi all,

Given an instrumental part that plays for 20 measures or so at mf with
the occasional rest thrown in, is there a rule of thumb (or something
more formal) about when the dynamic should be restated?

It's in my head that if there are two or more full measures of rest, the
dynamic should be repeated when the instrument comes in again, for
clarity. If there's only a single measure rest (even if there's a beat
or two of rest on either side of the empty measure), it's assumed that
the last stated dynamic is still in force.

I took a quick look through Ross and Read, but I didn't see anything


How much dynamic change has there been in the other parts during that rest? How much change is expected of that part now?

I've seen (too many) parts with no dynamics at all written, but a lot implied, but try to put them in if/when I engrave the music. I try to do so with an ear to what the player should know.

So ... if it's a couple of measures out, and the rest of the band is staying pretty stable, you can leave it out. If longer than a phrase, though, I'd put it in even if it were redundant.

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