John Howell wrote:
At 3:49 PM +0100 2/7/10, Jari Williamsson wrote:
Lee Actor wrote:

I've had plenty of rehearsals slog down with
questions about assumed dynamics that aren't written in, but never about
dynamics that seem to be redundant. :-)

When the identical dynamic reappears in succession within sections
without rests, this causes lots of discussion here. Is there some
dynamic missing inbetween? Or is it some special musical effect that's
asked for? Or is it just for "clarity"?

Good point, and one I've recently run into in an early 19th century
score. I duplicated the dynamics, but I didn't feel good about it.
Perhaps we need "courtesy dynamics" as well as "courtesy accidentals"?


I like to go by the motto "Make it hard to make a mistake." If there's any potential for doubt, put it in - what could it hurt?

That goes by my other philosophy in engraving: Play it first. If there are parts that seem less than clear to you as a player, look for a better way. That most often applies to line feeds and page turns, but you never know.


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