On Tue Mar 30, at TuesdayMar 30 9:30 PM, John Howell wrote:

And just this afternoon I learned from the prof. who's been teaching Apprec for many years that he's using a totally on-line course. It's from a company that handles everything on line, there's no textbook, and the students just buy two (expensive!) CDs, register on line, and everything including tests is there, not on my computer at all. As it happens he's meeting with people from that company tomorrow, and I'm going to talk with them.

I may not agree with the educational approach, the kinds of assignments and tests they have, and so on (although I'm not pre- judging them), but if it'll let me kick-start a new class instead of forcing me to re-invent the wheel, I'll probably sign on. I can always pull out at a later time.

My college is pushing the on-line thing very heavily, and I (and other colleagues) are resisting.

On the plus side, you can put listening lists online (yay!) and assignments, so the students have NO excuse for not knowing what to do. Presently, we have to assign library listening, or we have one teacher who (illegally) loads the students' iPods from his office computer with the listening lists. Having all the listening from one source, with the licenses paid, is a real advantage.

On the con side, students are trying to take advantage of online materials being available to skip classes entirely. Some students have insisted that our class notes be made available online, or given to them electronically by email or in hard copy, as if it is their right (yes, we had a student try to assert that) to read our own personal class notes and thus make up for not coming to class. The times that teachers are being asked to be online for chat discussions is prohibitively time-intensive, and of course it is WAY slower to type than to speak. I think music may be one of the last subjects that is taught more effectively in person. This assertion makes me fairly unpopular among the college administration.


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