I went through a similar experience not long ago when I upgraded from FinMac 
v2004 to v2010. All four of the things you mention I felt the same way.

The disappearance of Mass-Edit was very distracting at first, but I got used to 
it pretty quickly. There's no actual loss in functionality, just different 
tools. Most of the Mass-Edit functions now work from one or more of the other 
tools like Measures. Many of the menu items (like transpose) are now under the 
Utilities menu. Others are under the menu for the tool you're using.

Filling empty rests with measures is a Speedy option. Should be under the 
Speedy menu.

There are preferences for what your tools icons look like, which you can use to 
make the ugly bubbles go away. I don't remember where it is, and I'm at work 
now so I don't have Finale on hand to check.

There are some audio settings to restore playback to just plain audio for 
proofreading, which is what I do, too. I don't remember where that is either.

Sorry I can't be more help, but those preferences do exist if you (or someone 
else on the list) can just find them. You can be back to what feels normal.

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