Clarinets 1 and 2 share a line in the score.
The voices are specified like this for the linked parts:

Clarinet 1
Selected Notes from one or more layers
1st Note
Include Single Note Passages
Display Layer 1

Clarinet 2
Selected Notes from one or more layers
2nd Note
Include Single Note Passages
Display Layer 2

Here's the situation: Clarinet 1 rests for two bars while Clarinet 2 plays.
I entered Clarinet 2's music in Layer 2, with nothing in Layer 1. In the
part, I'd like a two bar rest to show for Clarinet 1, but it's showing the
music in Layer 2 (because that's how it's defined). If I enter real whole
rests in layer one, then the music in Layer 2 won't display (which is what
I want) but then I can't get a multimeasure rest.

Aside from extracting the parts, is there a solution to this?
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