Using the context menus requires some understanding, because the behavior
is not the same as assignments used to be: that is, it used to be that
assigning/removing in part view only affected the part. But with advent of
the context menu it has changed.

They may have given you good advice, but it is the kind of advice with my
computer hat on I would be skeptical of and give pushback on.

On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 10:05 AM, SN jef chippewa <> wrote:

> maybe the problem is exclusive to the hide staff feature in the staff
> styles.  the problem occured in F2012 for me and i tihnk this is
> where it was introduced (were there hide staff styles in 2011?).
> >I've been using the context menu almost exclusively, and so far no
> >problems. I am skeptical of that advice, at least in Fin12. Mostly I
> >use the context menu to remove the staff style from parts.
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