On Fri, Apr 15, 2016 at 9:29 AM, Phil <bat...@advr-inc.com> wrote:
>     But when written like
>      TransientTerm() == DiffusionTerm([[1.,5.]]), which I think the
>     manual said was equivalent ( under freq asked questions)
>     I get an assertion error, which I can post but before posting should
>     these two diffusion terms be equivalent?

My feeling is that [[1., 5.]] shoud be equivalent to [[[1., 0.], [0.,
5.]]]. I'm not sure why that isn't working correctly.

>     Sticking with the complete matrix form of the diffusion Coefficient
>     for Dx and Dz ( both similar functions of the cellVariable C)
>     when I use this form
>      TransientTerm() == DiffusionTerm([[[Dx,0],[0,Dz]]])
>     I get the following traceback error

That's not surprising. Use a single FaceVariable or CellVariable of
rank 2 for the diffusion coefficient. It's safer to do that for

> I see questions posted on this list, Gist and stack overflow - is there a 
> preference for posting ?

I prefer Stackoverflow, but depends on the nature of the question.
Stackoverflow isn't good for very open ended questions or

Daniel Wheeler
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