On Sun, Apr 05, 2009 at 02:03:02PM -0700, Guy Smith wrote:

> I may soon testify before a California State Assembly committee on
> the pro/cons of shall-issue CCWs.  I doubt I have time to assemble
> the exact data I want, but suspect individuals on this forum may
> have it on hand or could point me to some ready-to-use data set.

One quesiton that may come up during such discussion is that of
liability. When Wyoming went to a Florida style "shall issue" permit,
we also put the AG in charge of issuing, instead of the sheriffs as
before. The AG opposed us because he didn't want the prospective
liability should a permittee then go out and shoots someone. Not
having the time to research whether such a thing had ever happened,
and if so whether such a suit had ever been sucessful, I simply
pointed out that the "shall issue" language meant that the AG has no
discretion, and so couldn't be held liable. The joint legislative
committee accepted that.

So far as I know, no such incident has occurred in Wyoming.

As for the data you want, I no longer have my notes, but I do recall
that Florida requires its issuing agency to publish data on CCW
permittees, including (I believe) the information you want. Other
states may also publish such data.


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