On 3/2/19 3:24 PM, Mark Rotteveel wrote:
On 21-1-2019 18:11, Alex Peshkoff via Firebird-devel wrote:
Do not know why but 25% of users continue downloading i86 firebird binaries. Therefore we plan to provide 32-bit for fb4 too.

Some theories on why people download the 32 bit variants:

1. They are listed first on the download pages, leading to a bias to download those.

Possible solution (or experiment): see what happens if this is reordered to show the 64 bit versions first

Should be done, agreed.

2. Usage of the term Linux AMD64 might be confusing for people, assuming it doesn't work on their Intel processor.

We may want to consider renaming to x64, or doing something like "Linux AMD64 / Intel 64" in the heading on the download page.

Better just x64 - Intel 64 associates with ia64.

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