This message is from: "linda hickam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

{finishing the previous note}......"progress" continues!
>From: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "fjord" <>
>Subject: Gunnar
>Date: Fri, Mar 16, 2001, 1:36 PM

>This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Thanks for all the support from so many, what wonderful people.  To see a
>horse in so much pain and realize how helpless he is and you are is
>difficult.  He is I think better today altho not as interested in food as he
>should be.  Very little and light feeding.  He has a slight tremor but then
>had had a lot o pain and medication.  My Vet is not certain what it is and
>we are watching quite carefully.  That means being up at frequent times
>This is the boy who was never sick.  He has "pooped" twice with some mucous,
>urinates a bit, and lumbered away from me when I tired to get him off the
>grass in the yard and away from the other horses this morning.  He was tubed
>and given banamine and Turbo----- (sp) last night around ten.  My Vet
>thought he had shown slight improvement in the gums and the gut within an
>hour. I stalled him and checked on him at four this morning and he was up
>and looking for food.
>At 8:30 this morning he waiting and I turned him out on the grass. He had
>again pooped and there were some dry clumps which hopefully mean this is an
>impaction.  I think I had thought on two occasions that he seemed a bit off
>this past week which could have been the beginning of a backup.  I had been
>cutting back as the weather warms on his feed and not so much alfalfa.
>Perhaps the grass hay is too fine.  Who knows.
>I have always thought God could have done better by giving us all, animals
>and man, transparent skin so our health is not such a guessing game.  "Ah,
>you see that bulge in his intestines? Yup!  Well that is an impaction so do
>not worry that he has a twisted gut."  etc.   Jean
>Jean Gayle
>Aberdeen, WA
>[Authoress of "The Colonel's Daughter"
>Occupied Germany 1946 TO 1949 ]
>Barnes & Noble Book Stores

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