This message is from: Ron Dayton <>

This message is from Ron Dayton of Sunwood Fjords and Carriage Co. "SO sorry
to here of Steve's plans to end the List"  I truly think there is someone out
there who could take it over or start a new list.  From what I have been
reading there is still a huge support for the List or something equivalent.
Back in 2006 Sherrie and I published a book called "Fjords, Farms and Friends"
in hopes to bring folks together and promote more participation in the Fjord
Horse activities, and I think it did help some.  We have received many thanks
for doing the book and even thought of printing more because of all the new
farms and members both in the PNFPG and other groups around the US and over
seas as well.  What ever becomes of the List and to all the dedicated Fjord
Horse lovers, we would like to wish you all the very best in the New Year.  We
are looking forward to spring and have many plans and dreams for the future,
we hope that your dreams come true and the future is good to
you..........."Happy Trails"  Ron & Sherrie Dayton

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