Hello list,
I have an MX 2004 swf running inside of Director MX 2004, and it is crashing in an odd way. After it plays a set of mp3's in sequence, playback in the current slide of the swf stops (Director does not crash).

The odd thing is, it can play certain sequences and everything is fine. It can even play the problem sequences, if they are placed at the head of the playlist. Originally, I attached the sounds. Then I tried preloading them, using a separate Sound object for each. Now I am alternating between two Sound objects, one loading while the other plays. The problem remains in each case. It doesn't have anything to do with anything else I'm doing in between sounds (I've swapped the actions around, and it doesn't impact the problem). It also doesn't seem to be related to any specific sound file, or the number of sound files in the sequence, or the number of unique sounds that have been loaded (I've also swapped the sounds around, and that doesn't impact it, either). I've rebuilt the Director movie in case there was some file corruption, but no change.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Bill Garr

William Garr
Sr. Educational Multimedia Developer
Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship
Georgetown University
Washington, DC 20057
phone: 202-687-9119

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