I have an editable datagrid with data being populated from an
XMLListCollection. I am attempting to edit the data in one of the
columns that is using a labelFunction to get its value. This column does
not have a dataField value. How can I edit the data in the field and
have the XMLListCollection reflect the updated change correctly as well
as have the field value change? As it stands now I can change the data
in the column, however once I leave that datafield it reverts back to
the original value and the XMLListCollection remains unchanged.

Here is the DG code:

     <mx:DataGrid id="buildingNumber_dg" editable="true"
dataProvider="{building_xmlcoll}" >
             <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Building Number"
labelFunction="getValue" editable="true" />
             private function
getValue(item:Object,grid:DataGridColumn):String {

                 return item.toString();



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