
Could you please open a bug with all this info in LCDS bugbase please?


Mete - Adobe

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Dharmendra Chauhan" <chauhan_i...@...> 
> Hi All ,
> We are trying to get clustering configured for our application so that 
> DataService's Destination keep serving  the cleint in case of any server 
> failure .  We are using F5  hardware load balancer.
> We have set up a default-cluster, using tcp and  while creating DataService 
> Destination we are setting cluster ID  as follows
> 1)
>                                    .....
>             DataNetworkSettings ns = new DataNetworkSettings();
>             ns.setPagingEnabled("false");
>             ns.setClusterId("default-cluster")
>                         ....
> 2) service-config.xml
>      <clusters>
>         <cluster id="default-cluster" properties="jgroups-tcp.xml" 
> url-load-balancing="false" />
>       </clusters>
> 3) jgroup-tcp.xml - First
>     <TCP bind_addr=""  start_port="7800" loopback="true" 
> enable_diagnostics="true"/>
>     <TCPPING timeout="3000" initial_hosts="[7800]" port_range="1" 
> num_initial_members="1"/>
>     <MERGE2 min_interval="10000" max_interval="20000"/>
> 3) jgroup-tcp.xml - Seond
>     <TCP bind_addr=""  start_port="7800" loopback="true" 
> enable_diagnostics="true"/>
>      <TCPPING timeout="3000" initial_hosts="[7800]" 
> port_range="1" num_initial_members="1"/>
>      <MERGE2 min_interval="10000" max_interval="20000"/>
> I am using Jboss4.2.2 GA and LCDS2.6.1 and we have licensed version of LCDS
> I am getting following message on JBoss console : -
> 04:26:15,296 INFO  [STDOUT] [Flex]Cluster node from address 
> joined the cluster for default-cluster
> 04:26:15,718 INFO  [JBossCacheManager] Starting JBossManager
> 04:26:15,734 INFO  [TreeCache] received the state (size=1024 bytes)
> 04:26:15,750 INFO  [TreeCache] received the state (size=8192 bytes)
> 04:26:15,765 ERROR [TreeCache] failed setting transient state
> java.lang.ClassCastException: org.jboss.cache.loader.NodeData
>         at 
> org.jboss.cache.statetransfer.StateTransferIntegrator_140.integrateTransientSta
>  te(StateTransferIntegrator_140.java:210)
>         at 
> org.jboss.cache.statetransfer.StateTransferIntegrator_140.integrateTransientSta
>  te(StateTransferIntegrator_140.java:100)
> Am I  missing anything  ?
> During the testing when I bring down one of the jboss server, It immediately 
> throws Destination  does not exist error
> I will appreciate any help on this .
> Thanks
> Dharmendra

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